Thursday 24 September 2015

The Woman in Black

The Woman in Black Mise-en-scene

In the Woman in Black the director make the scene of Kipps in the house seem very scary. He does this by making the amount of colour on the house and the weather very limited. Its mainly grey and black and dull looking. In the beginning of the film Arthur Kipps wife (Stella Kipps) dies and so the film has a very sad atmosphere.
The island that Kipps is travelling too is isolated from everyone else; it is separated from he mainland by a causeway that can flood, making him seem alone. On the way too the island he passes a grave marker that signifies death.
Kipps facial expression is very plain and sometimes looks sad. The cemetery is overgrown and looks like nobody is looking after it. This also signifies death.
The camera angle of the house is a low one. It make the house look powerful and grand. When Arthur enters the house there is a high camera angle. This makes him seem weak and vulnerable. He is wearing all black and is standing in a door way when the woman in black appears behind him. The low lighting in the house makes it seem dull and bleak.

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